June 30, 2024

Diving into the deep end

I am starting at a new position with my current employer - Imposter Syndrom Strikes Again! 😨

This fall I have been given, no… I have earned the possibility to assume a new position at my current workplace. This new role forces me to look at things from a bigger perspective and requires more knowledge and insight in what makes our business work.

This is something that I am deeply thrilled to be digging into, and I am confident that I can make something great, and help the business in a meaning full way.

But I am not going to lie, even though this is close to what I have been doing before, and I know that I am qualified for the job at hand - I can't help to think, who did I fool to get here?

Imposter syndrom is real, and according to statistics around 60% of people in tech/development are feeling or has at some point been feeling like imposters.

I have always been struggling with this, but it is something that comes and goes from day to day. I have also gotten better in how to deal with it.

I use logic and reason. Have I deliberately fooled anyone? or is the case that I am actually good at what I do? I tend to land on the later and things tend to feel better again 🙂

I think that a lot of the "Imposter Feelings" comes from not being really sure of what you are doing, stepping outside of your comfort zone. But isn't that what you need to do to grow? If I would be doing exactly and only things I know how to do I would probably be bored pretty quickly...

Stepping outside of what I know and master is at least for me the best way of learning new skills, but also learning new things about your self - And I like to be learning new things!

Only time will tell, but I am stoked at what's coming ahead.